[ August 1, 2022 by Eric Liboiron 0 Comments ]

Financial Tips Every Entrepreneur Should Follow

Financial management is a crucial part of entrepreneurship that is sometimes overlooked in the grand scheme of things. Because of the large effect finances have on your business, it is of utmost importance that entrepreneurs have a good understanding of this aspect of conducting business.

Decentralized Finance
[ July 24, 2022 by Eric Liboiron 0 Comments ]

Decentralized Finance and Small

Decentralized finance, or DeFi, had a resurgence last summer and is still emerging as a tool for small businesses in developing markets, particularly for remittances and small loans. But what exactly is DeFi?

[ May 9, 2022 by Eric Liboiron 0 Comments ]

Decentralized Finance and Small Businesses

Decentralized finance, or DeFi, had a resurgence last summer and is still emerging as a tool for small businesses in developing markets, particularly for remittances and small loans. But what exactly is DeFi?

Decentralized Finance Defined

According to specialists, DeFi uses the blockchain to build applications, protocols, or tools that allow small businesses to conduct transactions in a way that reduces the need for other third parties to verify the deal. It is a resource that develops a peer-to-peer dynamic, where users interact and define parameters based on their needs. At the same time, the software serves as the middleman assuring the terms.

Who is Using DeFi?

Since its inception, DeFi-based forms of finance that do not rely on centralized intermediaries have been adopted by smaller businesses in developing markets whose needs are unmet by traditional banking systems. Today, founders are foundering because, instead of lending, banks are choosing to raise their cash reserves and purchase U.S. Treasuries in advance of the next market downturn. Unfortunately, many small business owners do not have that option as they battle inflation and employee turnover, so DeFi has become the following option to keep them open. 

Benefits of DeFi for Small Businesses

DeFi platforms provide an alternative system, not simply a plug-in to existing banks. Their decentralized nature means transaction onboarding and market-based risk assessments are much easier to scale across a business’ broader system because access to relevant information is not dependent on centralized processing or a prior relationship. Before DeFi, a company would have to complete anti-money laundering and “know your customer” checks for every source of capital and convince their counterparts to onboard to the same transaction banking programs. They also would not be able to present evidence of performance on their debt or payables outside of financial statements.

Risks of Decentralized Finance

While DeFi holds is promising for many small businesses, some risks need to be noted:

  1. DeFi is not regulated, so if your DeFi account gets hacked, the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission can’t help and provide recourse.
  2. DeFi accounts are not FDIC insured. If your funds get stolen, they cannot be recovered.
  3. DeFi smart contracts are software that can experience programming bugs or glitches which could lead to account hacking. 


It’s worth noting that traditional banking is susceptible to experiencing hacking and theft, and DeFi is similar in that aspect. Nevertheless, DeFi has the potential to keep small businesses up and running on their terms while banking continues its steady retreat from relevance on its terms.

[ August 2, 2021 by Eric Liboiron 0 Comments ]

The Dynamics of Blockchain Technology

The Dynamics of Blockchain Technology

The evolution of Blockchain Technology over the years has given rise to several breakthroughs in several fields and industries. In this article, I will be sharing some insight into how the Blockchain works and its several applications across all fields.

What is Blockchain Technology?

A Blockchain is simply a decentralized, distributed ledger Technology with the sole purpose of ensuring a transparent monitoring and verification of crypto currency transaction across network of computers. The Blockchain Technology became famous in 2008 when Satoshi Nakamoto in a bid to serve the public transaction ledger of the crypto currency Bitcoin, invented what is now known as the Blockchain Technology.

The creation of Bitcoin paved the way for the adoption of Blockchain Technology. The name was coined from its usage. Simply put, a Blockchain is a ledger of records arranged in data batches called Blocks that utilizes cryptographic validation to link each of the blocks together. Each Block is linked to reference and identify the previous Block via an hashing function, thus an unbroken chain is created.

Blockchain Implementation

There are several ways Blockchain can be implemented as prove of originality and authority. There are basically four fundamental stages involved in Blockchain implementation, and we shall be looking at the various stages involved in the Blockchain implementation which cuts across all industries.

Stage One: Identifying a user case and planning a technology to match it

At this initial stage, several questions will crop up, including: To what product does Blockchain apply? What area of Blockchain delivers the most customer value? Two options are available when identifying a user case. Either you look to vendor partners for a product that can fit perfectly to Blockchain Technology or you work to develop the Technology internally.

Stage Two: Initiate a Proof of Concept (POC): This is evidence that is derived from a pilot project which demonstrates that its design concept is feasible and can actually work according to its initial concept and that the project has practical potential. It is usually a very small design test used to validate the pilot project potential.

Stage Three: Carrying out a field trial (Testing of Project Demo Version): After proof of concept has been passed and certified okay, an actual field trial (Testing of project Demo Version) is carried out using a larger number of customers and their data.

Stage Four: Actual running of Project version: This final stage is not practically attainable, as most projects based on public Blockchain end up in stage 3. 

Five (5) Blockchain start-ups

TTC: A company that is involved in deploying a decentralized and token based social media platform to initiate Likes and Shares on its platform. TTC is a decentralized and incentivized social networking protocol that provides a one step solution for integrating Blockchain technology.

Solarex: A Blockchain based renewable energy start-up that is building an innovative, decentralized, disruptive, decarbonised and democratised solar energy ecosystem that will provide easy access to clean and affordable energy for all. Solarex is deploying the Blockchain technology for much needed security around transaction and metering of Solar power in a decentralized mode.

Blockstream: Blockstream have pioneered an innovative technology which allows a secured transaction without the intervention of a third party. The fast growing financial start-up which was founded in 2014 uses a new Sidechain technology, software built on Blockchain fundamentals that allows digital assets to be seamlessly transferred from one Blockchain to the other.

LUNA: LUNA is a Blockchain based dating app that helps to create a smart, safe and powerful platform that utilizes a machine learning algorithm. It is so popular among youths and entrepreneurs who appreciate the potential in Blockchain Technology.

[ August 2, 2021 by Eric Liboiron 0 Comments ]


One оf thе рrоblеmѕ iѕ thе production оf inѕulin in уоur body. Insulin causes the calories you tаkе in to bе pushed into fаt cells thаt are stored аrоund your ѕtоmасh rеgiоn. When lооking to develop stomach muѕсlеѕ, rеmеmbеr thаt inѕulin is рrоduсеd whеn there iѕ tоо much sugar in уоur body. 


Staying аwау from ѕugаr is one оf thе prerequisites for developing good abdominal muscles. You knоw thаt sugar iѕ out of bоundѕ whеn it соmеѕ tо dieting, but did you knоw that hеаlthу сеrеаlѕ аrе actually turnеd intо ѕugаr by уоur bоdу? Thiѕ is where mоѕt оf уоur ѕugаr production соmеѕ frоm whеn уоu аrе diеting. Cеrеаl iѕ nоt thе оnlу сulрrit еithеr thеrе аrе mаnу fооdѕ thаt are liѕtеd аѕ hеаlthy fооdѕ whiсh will turn into sugar. Knоwing thеѕе fооdѕ will help уоu еnоrmоuѕly whеn it соmеѕ of getting rid from thаt bеllу fаt. 


Thеrе are mаnу diеtѕ оut there thаt tell уоu thаt lоw carbohydrate diеtѕ оr lоw fаt regimes are thе оnlу thing that will work. If you have triеd any of them you аlrеаdу know thаt it do not wоrk оn bеllу fаt. Thе еаѕiеѕt wау tо gеt a ѕix расk invоlvеѕ еаting fооd frоm both ѕоurсеѕ in thе right аmоunt. You nееd certain саrbоhуdrаtеѕ as wеll аѕ сеrtаin fats in уоur diеt in оrdеr to lоѕе thаt fatty layer. If уоu combine carbohydrates and fаtѕ уоu саn lose аn inсh off your bеllу еvеrу week. 


Exеrсiѕе iѕ аn important part оf еvеrу diet, and never mоrе ѕо than whеn уоu wаnt tо develop your аbѕ. Yоu must burn оff unwаntеd саlоriеѕ in оrdеr to lоѕе stubborn fаt. Thеrе iѕ nо fat more stubborn than ѕtоmасh fat, hоwеvеr. As lоng аѕ уоu have belly fat you will nоt be аblе to dеvеlор уоur six pack. Nоt аll еxеrсiѕеѕ аrе created еԛuаl, thоugh. Cаrdiо еxеrсiѕеѕ, although gооd for the heart, help you tо gеt rid оf that рrоblеm lауеr оvеr your ѕtоmасh. You have no need to dо mоre of your trаditiоnаl abdominal еxеrсiѕеѕ. There are specific tуреѕ оf exercises that will wоrk оn ѕtubbоrn belly fаt. 

[ August 2, 2021 by Eric Liboiron 0 Comments ]

The Importance of Positive Mental Attitude

The Importance of Positive Mental Attitude

Being a Pollyanna is one of the best qualities in a human. If we want to live a positive life we must have a positive mental attitude towards everything that happens to us in our lives. Maintaining a positive mental attitude while facing the difficulties and hurdles in your life. Regarding your work, health, social status and relationships are vital. 

The Secret to Success

A very popular book on knowing the secret of having a positive mindset was published many years ago. It was meant to be based on Ibahim’s secret to attracting positive things. The idea of this book was to actualize your anticipated positive thoughts and dreams by some unseemly force of the cosmos. However, it is much deeper than that. In fact, it’s more than just an Invisible Cosmic event. The first step to take towards having a positive mental attitude is “Smiling”; this implies being happy regardless of what is happening to you. First of all, smiles help you get through your difficult time because life is not a linear event, life is a very tumultuous volatile event. This has made most people to always try to reduce their load by keeping their heights believing that this is going to give them the most comfort. 

Here are 4 Essential Reasons Why You Should Have a Positive Mental Attitude

  • PMA Realigns Your Preferences: It’s extremely simple to lose all sense of direction in your own particular considerations. This will take you to places you never knew existed. When you are left to your own particular gadgets (considering), it’s constantly less demanding to locate the negative coating than it is for the positive result. This is how keeping a positive mental state of mind will enable you to realign your preferences.
  • PMA Encourages You Center Around What Is Imperative: Permitting negative reasoning takes hold over everything. It compels us to nourish falsehood thereby filling the holes with more negative reasoning. Doing this powers us to displace what’s extremely imperative, the fantasies we have, and the reality we live with. Positive reasoning enables us to remain concentrated on what truly matters. 
  • PMA Interfaces Your Head and Your Heart: Every one of us nurture brimming dreams and wants which hopefully we intend turning into reality. Our hearts are loaded with the vision we have for our lives, however, our reasoning sometimes acts as a burden. Dread and vulnerability start to reveal to us that these dreams are incomprehensible and it can’t be possible. Antagonism starts setting in, our heart and head get detached. This is the reason keeping a positive mental attitude is so important. 
  • Positivity Keeps Others Around: It’s very certain that it’s difficult to associate with someone who has a negative mindset considering their state of mind.  This is no real way to win companions. Regularly our negative talking overflows from our negative reasoning. Try not to give yourself a chance to wind up with the individual nobody should be too close to. Change your reasoning and change your conditions. A positive mental attitude keeps others around. 

The Higher You Go The Harder You Fall

Everything that goes up must surely come down which is true and we just see it in the subject of stock. The Nation you have now will become an Empire and it will become completely at the rally, for example, Egypt and the Mongolian empire. So it is sure that things that go up eventually come down and also things that come down eventually goes up and this is a beautiful concept of keeping your belief over the positive things coming your way in your life. Based on this, it is clear that positivity attracts positivity. Essentially, people always want to work with positive people who always have new hope, new ideas, talk positive and keep finding the new ways to kill negativity. And if you are negative, positive people tend to stay away from you but they will last longer around the other people. This will certainly boil down to your interactions with people, so positivity attracts positivity.

Law of Attraction

We always focus on acquiring physical things. But the Law of Attraction deals with our ability to attract physical things. It is believed that metaphysical level requires a positive outlook, this will give you a better opportunity of achieving what you want in life. 

Nobody is selfless and nobody will want to help you without first of all having something to look-upon in you, this type of people might end up not even trusting you. Everybody always has an inkling of wanting more for themselves regardless of your personality or situation whether you’re rich or poor. People always think about themselves and their family, this is perfectly normal, there is no room for guilt while wanting to make your life better and it shouldn’t stir up jealousy within us over such people. We should be positive about the people around us. So the law of attraction is not a metaphysical thing generally, it is actually a mental attitude of saying “if I believe I can achieve something”, even if it doesn’t come immediately I will keep on believing that I can achieve it thereby giving myself the chance and opportunity to make it happen. There’s an expression that I say, “it’s reach for the stars land on the moon”.

The Law of Attraction is the most ground-breaking law in the universe. Much the same as gravity, it is essentially dependably on movement. It is working in your life at the present time. You are dependable in a condition of creation. You are making your existence in each snapshot. You are making your future with each and every idea either intentionally or subliminally. You can’t enjoy a reprieve from it and choose not to make since creation never stops. Seeing exactly how the Law of Attraction is an essential key to your prosperity. On the off chance that you need to change your life, and engage yourself to make a stunning future, at that point you have to understand your part in the Law of Attraction.

The Importance of Smiling

A positive mental attitude attracts positive people regardless of your highs and lows. No matter what is happening to you, always have a positive outlook. If you dive into your negativity then the positive people are going to stay away because they don’t want to be dragged down to your negativity, you will end up only attracting negative people and those negative people are not going to help you get out of your negative situation, so always handle your difficult situation with positive attitude if you’re going to remain attractive to the positive people and that’s going to end up helping you get out of your negative situation. It is also going to keep the negative people away from you to avoid tracking you down and keeping you down. Because it’s always easier to smile at yourself, looking at yourself in the mirror and smiling irrespective of your mood creates a reaction and it changes your brain, physically you will have a positive outlook. Seeing yourself smiling creates an atmosphere for positive impact on your attitude and this quickly sends a signal to your brain. If someone is being mean to you and you smile, it will have an impact. Smiling back to people gives them a good impression.

You are Your First Happiness Coach

Does Law of Attraction work for attracting commercial goods? Yes, it does. I believe it’s all about giving you the best opportunity to have success. Nobody wants you to get to their level of success. Sometimes you are your worst enemy and often the people that are closest to you. Your worst enemy or your biggest hurdle to success is yourself. And then the second hurdle is the people around you. You must believe in yourself, you have to be your biggest cheerleader, you have to be the person that believes in yourself the most because you are the first person that affect your success. And then the second person is your friends and family, if you truly want to be successful, get rid of the people who are dragging you down and keeping you down. However, this is a very difficult, savage and aggressive thing to do. 

The power of positive mental attitude is extremely about observing the glass half-full, to when you trust in yourself, you truly can prevail at anything you really wish for. In spite of the fact that you can see that the glass is half-unfilled, you can say it emphatically, it is still half vacant. However, people with PMA see it half-full.  So they tend to give no room for bad personal habits. They reduce your bad habit and that increase your chances to succeed. For example getting enough sleep, sleeping on time, having a positive attitude and not being dragged down by negativity. And then the family, they also a very big hurdle because they often don’t want us to surpass their level of success. So they’ll always try to say “oh don’t do this or don’t do that or don’t try that, they’ll always show what the negative side is”. Well, if you spend your whole life just looking at the negative you’ll never do anything because anything can be negative, walking out the front door in the morning can also be negative. There are negative things about anything so you might just give up and stay in bed. The first thing is rejecting and getting rid of all this negative input. You’re better alone than to be with negative people. 

Success is Not Instantaneous 

Success is not instantaneous. There is no defining moment. We all expect this charismatic event in our life that will change us so that we’ll change our habits. We always expect this charismatic effect that will set the perfect stage for the change in our life. There’s always an expectation of a moment further in time that will be ideal to start. If you wait for a perfect day or a perfect time, that moment is never going to come. It’s just an excuse to push it off. If you want to change your life you need to change it today, right away and since the success is not instantaneous there will be no charismatic event, it is a series of small changes which is extremely difficult and arduous and this points us back to our title that having a positive mental attitude is the secret to success. Because if you don’t believe in yourself and you don’t believe in the changes you’re making you won’t be able to sustain them. You need to be positive about the changes you are making. You might be trying so hard to change something’s in your life, you sleep earlier, wake up earlier, write an extra e-mail and try to make your routine more conducive to success. If you don’t believe it’s going to work then you’re wasting your time. Everything revolves around a positive mental attitude in the string of your mindset. 

One of My Favorite Coaches

I was in my teens and I was working in an online startup in Montreal. This was during the late ninety’s, during the tech boom and this gentleman was very successful. He would always go around saying P.M.A. P.M.A. P.M.A. and I used to think you are so annoying but he was right and his mental attitude was so powerful that he would go around the office to the fifty staff member every day and repeat a positive mental attitude because he knew and he saw that the majority of the staff would come in with a negative attitude. The point is you need to have the best mental attitude every day to increase your chances of success. He is where he is or he was where he was because of years and years of positive mental attitude because it was not instantaneous for him, it was not instantaneous for anybody. And so he would go around and try to push this in a positive way he would try to push his positive mental attitude on us. And it worked for me anyways. I was very open to this and I think naturally I can be happy in pretty much any situation though I always had a very positive attitude about my life and I think that’s a gift that I have but he contributed to ensuring that  I remembered it and it’s still in my head; positive mental attitude. I recently went through very difficult situations and to this day I still have a positive mental attitude regardless of what is happening to me. 

Stay Away From Negative People

A research states that the brain can be customized by reiteration. The reason why a great number of people experience passionate feelings for those they meet regularly is that they get modified by them on proceeds with the premise. Not all programming works in light of the fact that for a plan to transform into a conviction you need to confide in the wellspring of the thought. Presently the issue is that negative individuals are among our companions, relatives and the most confided-in individuals we know. 

Those individuals don’t simply harm us with negative thoughts, however, they additionally characterize our world for us, including our potential and our life desires. One pessimistic individual may show you by implication how to fear the activity-showcase by revealing to you a story, the other one may give you a chance to trust that you would never wed the individual you adore in light of the fact that he/she is a highbrow snot (sounds commonplace as of now?) while a third individual may show you in a roundabout way how to fear going out on a limb. 

Those individuals never discuss these convictions specifically, they rather recount genuine stories that confirm these convictions to be genuine and that is the reason you generally trust them. You must avoid negative people, and on the off chance that they didn’t stop, maintain a strategic distance from them. Some individuals can be exceptionally discouraging. They continue putting everybody down without seeing fault in what they are doing. You should give those contrary individuals a chance to wind-up while minding their activities. Caution them about the perils, and on the off chance that they declined to stop at that point, diminish the time you go through with them on the grounds that whether consciously or unconsciously will be adversely influenced by them. 

You can also test their contentions. Don’t acknowledge anything you hear particularly in the event that it was negative, rather, challenge their contentions and approach them for strong confirmations and when they reveal to you one of their stories disclose to them that one story can never be the establishment of a strong conviction, therefore you require more proof.

Everybody discusses his own particular convictions. At that point, this is the manner by which the world works. Most individuals will endeavor to secure their personalities by censuring others for their issues. On the off chance, when a young lady dismisses a person, he may conclude that she is a stiff neck as on the bases that she stated that he accomplished something incorrectly. As indicated by his abilities and characteristics that are as well as can be expected. You are unique and on the off chance, that someone neglected to accomplish something then does not imply that you can’t do it


A positive attitude is a great apparatus that compels us to construct the existence we need. It can make us excellent and shrewd. It can land us the fantasy position with the astounding pay we generally longed for. It can enable us to locate our one genuine romance. Yet, we need to utilize them legitimately and we need to keep working with them consistently – to the point where it turns out to be such a propensity, to the point that we should state them constantly.

You require the correct self-programming: “I can be wonderful, solid, and thin and I’ll take enough rest each night; I’ll eat appropriate adjust count calories; I’ll do works out; I’ll brush my teeth after dinner, and so on”. And if every one of these contemplations sinks into your framework, you’ll see that they wouldn’t be a long way from happening. Mind control infers purpose. With a positive attitude, one doesn’t stop with “I can” or “I am”. There will dependably be an “I will” after it in which it will cause the acknowledgment of his desires.

Everything is great, delightful, and light. There are no stresses, issues, or fears. To put it plainly, all you see and have faith in is well and positive. I figure that it is as of now the most appropriate word in rightly portraying of attitude, which is the reason it is the term being utilized. This makes the brain smart and great, especially positive personality. Indeed, even the celebrated Clint Eastwood has faith in this general truth that he cited, “In the event that you believe it will rain, it will”. 

Things being what they are, how does the intensity of positive attitude work? How might it make a reality? Do we just need to consider positive things and afterward it will happen immediately? That positive attitude truly is ground-breaking but might by one means or another be difficult to accept at the start, that is the reason we may make certain inquiries like those above. Since the brain is chipping away at the data you send it, positive reasoning can prompt positive reality. Keep in mind the ever-renowned platitude, “Put forth a valiant effort and God will wrap up”. Besides having faith and confidence in something we need to happen, we need to make a move. You can’t expect to pass an exam just by sitting on the lounge chair and staring at the TV days before taking it.

[ August 2, 2021 by Eric Liboiron 0 Comments ]

Grippe H1N1 Circa 2011

Dans quels cas les symptômes doivent être alarmant, c’est le moment ou les parents doivent se rendre à l’hôpital

Si votre enfant montre l’un des symptômes suivants, il est temps de s’y intéresser d’urgence :

Difficulté à respirer, suffoquement.
Couleur de la peau bleuâtre anormale.
Refus de boire.
Difficultés à se réveiller.

Symptômes pseudo-grippaux :

Fièvre avec une éruption cutanée.

Chez les adultes, les symptômes suivants ne doivent pas être pris à la légère :

Difficultés à respirer, essoufflement.
Douleur ou pression dans la poitrine.
Douleurs abdominales.
Vomissements persistants.

Comment parler des dangers de la grippe A H1N1 à vos enfants

Vous aurez sûrement envie d’expliquer à vos enfants que les microbes peuvent nous rendre malades, et c’est pourquoi il est important de se laver les mains.

Si ils ont malheureusement attrapé le virus de la grippe A H1N1 (grippe porcine), il est important de leur renvoyer une image de calme (même si vous êtes dans le cas d’une épidémie) et de les faire se sentir en sécurité. Les jeunes enfants doivent être apaisés par une explication simple, il existe différents types de grippe. Les enfants plus âgés, qui peuvent prendre plus facilement conscience de la peur, mais le cachent, peuvent peut-être en savoir un peu plus sur la grippe, mais ils doivent toujours être rassurés que leurs parents et les médecins et fonctionnaires de la santé sont en train de résoudre le problème.

Rendre les symptômes et le traitement moins contraignant

Si vous ou votre enfant ressentez les symptômes grippaux, restez chez vous jusqu’à ce que vous vous sentiez mieux.

Essayez de rester dans une zone séparée de la maison pour limiter les risques de transmission du virus de la grippe.

Privilégiez la consommation de liquides tels que l’eau et la soupe.

Luttez contre les douleurs physiques avec de l’acétaminophène, l’ibuprofène ou du naproxène. Si c’est pour votre enfant, consultez votre médecin avant de leur donner des médicaments.

L’utilisation d’un humidificateur peut faciliter la congestion nasale. Des gouttes de solution saline suivie par une aspiration avec une seringue nasale allégera la respiration de vos enfants.Il existe un traitement pour la grippe porcine (grippe A H1N1). Des médicaments antiviraux comme le Tamiflu et le Relenza peuvent réduire vos symptômes afin de se sentir mieux plus rapidement et de prévenir la grippe H1N1. Consultez votre médecin pour une ordonnance.

[ August 2, 2021 by Eric Liboiron 0 Comments ]

Proper 3PL Claims Management is Critical

As a 3PL our simplified task is getting people to work together and get the job done in the most optimal manner at the best possible price. This being said freight brokers are often reduced to being mediator’s in conflicts between equipment suppliers and freight owners.

Claim management

Claim management is really the moment where a companies customer service shines. Freight brokers who do not have proper claim mangement process in place risk losing valued partners to bitter exchanges of he-said, she-said.

For freight owners to put forth a claim it must be done in a formal manner with request for credit, POD’s properly signed with all the necessary damage information noted and commercial invoices detailing the value of the product. Pictures can help, but are not absolutly necessary. Once this is done it must be sent in a timely manner to the parties being claimed.

3PL : not liable for damaged product

It is important to understand that 3PL’s are not liable for damaged product. Since Logistics companies are not carriers their names cannot appear on Bills of Lading. This document is the contract of carriage between all the parties involved in the movement. Namely the party shipping the freight, the party hauling the freight and the party receiving the freight. The BOL states if the product was loaded or unloaded with damges. The carrier hauling the freight is responsible for the product between point A and point B, thus responsible for the damages.

In the event of insurance claims, it is the carriers insurance that gets claimed. The brokers liability is for hiring the right people to do the job, and that is what their contigent and ’’errors and omissions’’ insurance covers. The specifications of these insurances will be discussed in further blogs.

3PL : mediation between the two partners

The 3PL’s responsability though lies in the proper mediation of the claim between his two partners. The freight owner and the carrier. Both must be properly informed of the advancement of the claim through the different steps.

In conclusion, no one likes freight damages. Of course carriers with high claims rates are blacklisted quickly from an 3PL’s freight rating system, i’m sure. But, anyone who has experience in the industry knows that damages happen to all carriers and they happen at the worst times. The worst time being at anytime! The 3PL has a responsibilty to properly resolve these matters in as little time as possible and to ensure that the resolution is as fair for both parties as can be provided.

[ August 2, 2021 by Eric Liboiron 0 Comments ]

Transportation: An Economic Indicator?

My very intuitive partner blogged Monday the 18th of October, 2010 on a topic which I found so interesting that I am translating it in English for my bi-monthly blog article. It is to be read from his point of view.

”I spent thirteen years in the financial markets. Thirteen years trying to predict the economic tendencies with the objective of evaluating currency movements. The engineers of the universe of finance are supposed to have the best tools, best formulas and the best fundamental and technical analysis evolved from the best diplomas. But the truth is they cannot be any farther from reality. How can we truly know the pulse of a current financial and economic situation sitting behind a screen discussing the latest commodity movements based on economic data released in October to explain what happened in August. This information is not very pertinent or actual for analysis, especially coming from the people with whom we greatly respect for their perception and knowledge of high Finance and Economy.

The wisest will tell you that your plumbers opinion is just as valid as the highest specialists, but my thoughts on this have changed over the past 8 years spent in the Montreal Transportation and Logistics market. Instead of your plumber, ask the advise of a trucker, truck broker or 3PL logistician. Transportation is the economy. The basic theories of economics is supply and demand, and Logistics is the industry where these theories become reality. To top it off, this information is in real time.

Over the past eight years I have been an witness exposed like never before to the true reality. I have lived all micro and macro economic evolutions. I have seen how the Quebec economy has fared compared to the Ontarian, Canadian and American. I have witnessed how the habits and mannerisms have adjusted themselves. I have seen a sharp  and rapid reduction in exports to the United States, and how the entrepreneurs and managers have developed new markets internationally and especially domestically, as surprising as it may be. Trust me, all of this is worth much more than knowing the level of stock indexes.

I repeat, all of this in real time.

Does this allow me to know which direction certain currencies will take, interest rates or the stock market. Not more than before, but I am now bored with the analysis’ of my former colleagues, finance specialists. I now know at what point they have now idea… actually, aren’t the ones who put in this current financial situation.

My true source of pertinent information is now found amongst my transportation partners, manufacturers and friends who work as logistics consultants and truck brokers. ”

Although I feel that this article says it all I would just like to make a point. As was mentioned being on the forefront of the true economy, makes us very aware of it’s activities. I can attest, as my associate has done, that the past 2 years virtually day-for-day, has been very unstable, and nearly imposable to predict. The indicators and benchmarks that we had grown accustomed to are not as obvious. On a macro level it is similar, but on a micro level it has been chaos.

Certain industries have all but disappeared, notably, forestry and its transformation bi-products and of course products that have to do with home construction and renovations, while others have exploded. The point I want to make is that since we are so in tune with the economy we boom and bust with it very rapidly and strongly. The freight recession that we have gone through has been disastrous for many people, and we are hoping that the good times will return for all our partners, customers and competitors.

[ August 2, 2021 by Eric Liboiron 0 Comments ]

Making our Montreal Logistics Firm Succeed Through Teamwork

T.E.A.M – Together Everyone Achieves More

I don’t believe that there is anything as important to understand in a supply chain logistics environment as teamwork. The respect of your teammates derived from pulling your weight is more motivational than any zero’s on a check. Leading by example is also the best way to manage often saving many potential conflicts.

Recently, RM Logistic sponsored a 40 ft sailboat at the Omnium Lac Champlain sailboat regatta. Myself, a SR. Sales rep, Olivier, a Logistics Consultant, Bruno, along with two other individuals made up the team. We did not win a position, but we were honored with the ’’Quebec Yachting’’ sponsored trophy for the team that stood out the most. Being my first summer sailing along with my first regatta, I rapidly became comfortable with my environment. After reflecting on this i realized that it was due to my comfort being part of a team with a common objective.

Each member is important

A team is only as strong as it’s weakest member, but being a team, we need to understand that we are in constant evolution. People need the time to grow into their role and fully understand their responsibilities. Training and education might prepare them for the technical aspects of the job, but to gain an edge on the competition it takes people with experience who are comfortable in all situations. These more experienced individuals, regardless of age, need to have the maturity and the patience to give the time it takes for the newer individuals to adapt themselves to their tasks. Patience and guidance along with day-to-day tasks is also part of the more senior member’s responsibilities.

In a logistics team, just like on a sailing team, each person has a a set of tasks according to their skill-set or a passion to learn and better themselves. They each take their position and apply themselves to their task. Only this way will the boat advance to it’s destination and surmount the competition and natural adversities like the harsh winds. In the end this is the only method to achieve major objectives.

There is no ’’I’’ in team

If one person over steps their boundaries, even if they are more qualified, what will happen is :

  • a) the individual having their boundaries over-stepped does not learn from their experience and/or mistakes. By doing so, the team doesn’t get stronger, which hurts it’s long term and more profitable objectives.
  • b) It often does more harm than good, because while the person is focusing on doing someone else’s job supposedly ’’better’’ they aren’t takging the time to do their task properly.
  • c) it creates negative feelings amongst the whole team which leads to a deterioration of the general attitude and trust issues. Both of which threaten to break the group a part and slow down any forward momentum. No one likes to feel that their counterpart has the impression that they are more useful than others.

Although everyone on a team is equally important in terms of consistently doing their task, every boat needs a skipper just like every company, department or team needs their leader. The leader must have clear goals and clearly defined methods to achieve these goals. The team must respect and operate in the manner that is required from their leader. They really don’t have a choice as long as they are in the boat. If they feel that they are being underutilized or that the skipper is leading them in the wrong direction then they should simply leave the boat. But as long as they are within the confines of their team they must give 100% of themselves to their task.

On the other hand it is imperative for the skipper to listen to the feedback from his sailors. The leader must also understand that he is not in a solo race. If he feels that he can do all jobs best alone, than he should be a one man show. The reality of today’s economy makes it very difficult for army’s of one to shine. The skipper that is on a sailing team must be attentive to the warnings of wind gusts or an oncoming boat to make the proper manouver’s to keep the cape and win the race.

A challenging environment

RM Logistic as well as other transportation brokers, LTL carriers3PL’s and the countless other member’s of the greater supply chain management industry in Canada and the US has been in a challenging environment over the past two years. It began with atrophy of Montreal freight rates. The challenges continued with the disappearance of a few key refrigerated carriers followed by many important dry van transporters.

What made us a winner through this was the rapid evolution of our team experience which was needed to navigate these difficult water’s. Objectives were clear, tasks defined and everyone was at their seat giving their maximum effort.