[ November 16, 2022 by Eric Liboiron 0 Comments ]

The Attributes of Financially Secure Enterprises

Is a company’s attributes, such as its competitive advantage and stable earnings, enough to make it a good investment? This article aims to comprehensively analyze financial attributes to determine if a company is a good investment.

Although the short-term process can sometimes change the characteristics of a company that can be considered a good investment, its financial elements remain the same. These include its stable earnings, strong return on equity, and relative value.

Evaluating Earnings

Stable earnings are essential for a stock to be considered good, as they can help evaluate a company’s financial success versus its competitors. Without stable earnings, it’s hard to determine a company’s worth beyond its book value. Three of the most common factors to assess a company’s financial characteristics are stability, quality, and growth.

The quality of a company’s earnings is heavily considered when assessing its financial characteristics. A professional analyst usually carries out this process. However, the casual analyst can also take a few steps to determine a company’s earnings quality. An earnings growth metric is usually used to measure a company’s ability to increase its earnings. It shows a trend that can be used to identify a company’s historical ability to increase its profits. Some believe this metric is backward-looking but can also provide a good indicator of the company’s future performance.

One of the most critical factors that can be considered when assessing a company’s financial characteristics is its stable earnings. This type of earnings growth is usually seen in industries with a predictable growth pattern. This earnings growth is usually seen as a continuation of the company’s revenue growth. It can also be explained by the company’s efforts to cut expenses. When comparing a company with another one, it’s essential to confirm that the stability of the financial characteristics is coming from the same source.

Understanding Return of Equity (ROE)

Return on equity measures a company’s ability to return on its shareholders’ money. ROE is calculated as “ROE = Net Income / Shareholders’ Equity.”

ROE is the best form of absolute value and can be broken down further. It can be compared to the market, the company’s peer group, and the sector. Since earnings are not always present when assessing a company’s financial characteristics, it’s essential to look at its historical ROE to see if it can still provide a consistent pattern.

Although various factors can help investors decide if a company is a good investment, none of these metrics should be solely used to value a company. Instead, consider the company’s relative strength against its peer group and sector.

Company Data Research

The stock-picking process has changed significantly due to the emergence of new methods and the increasing number of people who can analyze stocks. Before, the traditional stock analyst’s role was mainly carried out by individuals using the Internet.

Before conducting a stock analysis, investors must have all the necessary data to make an informed decision. Since most of the information on the Internet is free, it’s essential to use a premium service to get the best possible advice.

For instance, a free website might be an excellent place to start if you compare a company’s earnings quality in the market sector with a peer group. However, it’s important to consider paying for a service that can give you a deeper analysis.

[ October 12, 2022 by Eric Liboiron 0 Comments ]

Tips for Launching a Successful Startup in a Recession

Companies have already taken steps to protect their operations as the US prepares for a possible recession. Some of these include laying off workers, implementing hiring freezes, and cutting back on budget. While it’s always possible to see a negative economic impact, startups can still take the necessary steps to protect their business.

Despite the current economic situation, starting a business is still possible. Even though the stock market has dropped and fears of a recession are growing, it’s still possible to pursue your dream of starting a company. Follow these tips and take advantage of the current situation to grow your business.

Find Your Business Opportunity and Seize It

During a recession, people seek affordable personal and household products. Evidence of this is seen by looking at the various industries that did well during this period, such as retailers, discount grocery stores, and auto supply stores.

Regardless of the industry, businesses can still fail or succeed. Before starting a company, it’s vital that you thoroughly assess your current state and potential threats. Doing so will allow you to make informed decisions and improve the efficiency of your business.

Your Business Model Should Be Evolving

One of the most challenging factors when starting a new business during a recession is trying to compete against established businesses in the industry. Clients are less likely to be cautious and risk-averse during this period by trying a new business. By understanding this mindset, have a flexible business strategy to ensure that you can accommodate the needs of your potential clients.

As a new business owner, you also have a better understanding of the structural pain points of the industry. By being flexible in how you operate, you can create a new paradigm for the industry that will allow you to weather the storm.

Prioritize Customers and Employees

You and your employees must constantly focus on ensuring that your customers are satisfied. During times of uncertainty like a recession, provide value to your customers to ensure they are satisfied. It’s also essential that companies are laser-focused on retaining their existing customers.

Leaders must also invest in their employees to ensure that they can retain their talent. Even though many companies are operating at a reduced level, finding ways to retain your employees is essential. Creating a culture of happiness is also very important to ensure that your employees are engaged.

Your Greatest Value Is Innovation

You must bring real value to your industry if you’re planning on surviving during a recession. During times of panic and anxiety, many companies will start to “trim their fat.” Low-value businesses are typically those that don’t bring anything new to the table and won’t be able to affect their industry if they go out of business.

These companies are typically the first to go out of business during a recession. They’re not essential to the needs of their customers and will likely be the first to go as the economy continues to decline. To survive a recession, you must start a business focused on bringing real value to the industry.

Hold Your Business to High Standards

Never resort to the “bait and switch” tactics other companies use to attract potential customers during a recession. By providing a consistent quality experience, you can establish trust with your existing and potential clients.

While cutting corners during a recession may be tempting, doing so will only drive a company’s reputation through the mud. New businesses must deliver their promises to their customers to establish a name for themselves. It will likely fail if a company can’t provide a consistent quality experience.

Final Thoughts

Whether starting a business during a recession or in a booming economy, it’s essential to consider the risks and obstacles of operating a business. Before you start working on a business idea, it’s crucial that you thoroughly evaluate its feasibility.

Thoroughly evaluate its feasibility and understand the various risks and challenges that will come with running a business. This knowledge and understanding will allow you to make informed decisions when launching your startup.

[ September 9, 2022 by Eric Liboiron 0 Comments ]

Easy Ways Entrepreneurs Can Achieve Financial Success

Entrepreneurs are also responsible for all their financial obligations. While it can be easy to remain laser-focused on your business, it’s essential to look to the future and plan accordingly. Here are five effective ways entrepreneurs can achieve financial success.

Create Financial Goals

Consider how much you want to have in your savings and what purpose the savings account should have. Saving up for a home or luxury vacation may not be possible while you lead your company, but it is achievable over the long term if you work smart. You may want to consult an advisor if you’re unsure what you’re looking for with your finances or how to ensure a solid financial future. They can help you create a plan and work towards achieving your goals systematically over several months or years. 

Develop a Budget 

A budget is the foundation of any financial plan. First, assess your bills and expenses, including food and entertainment. From there, be on the lookout for any categories you can adjust to suit your needs—opportunities to make cuts. You may have to curb spending overall, but with so many apps on the markets, you can find something to keep yourself organized. Your financial choices are up to you; setting a budget will help you define and stick to those goals. 

Explore Investment Opportunities

No matter where you are on the financial spectrum, don’t be intimidated by possible investment options. Research options like bonds, stocks, and IRAs. Each choice has its benefits and drawbacks depending on your unique situation and the state of your finances. The younger you are, the better. If you experience a drop in your investment, you will have more opportunities to get it back on track. If you’re approaching retirement, it’s wiser to play it safe and make sure you don’t take a massive hit before moving to live on a fixed income. 

Retirement Planning 

It is never too early or too late to save for the future. Your ventures may be an all-consuming passion, but that should not prevent you from taking the steps necessary for retirement. You can start by creating a savings plan specifically for retirement in an account where your money will grow without you touching it. 

You can also take advantage of the401(k) plan at your company. This resource can be a massive boost to your retirement savings. It can also act as a catalyst for motivation as you see your money grow.

Keep Educating Yourself 

Financial planning can be challenging, especially if you’re already managing a business. There are several terms, acronyms, legal implications, and steps to take. There’s much to learn from life insurance policies to money-market accounts, IRAs, stocks, and bonds. It would be smart to try different apps to make investing and budgeting more enjoyable. Also, staying up-to-date on economic developments is essential in business and the whole economy.

[ August 9, 2022 by Eric Liboiron 0 Comments ]

Financial Tips Every Entrepreneur Should Follow

Financial management is a crucial part of entrepreneurship that is sometimes overlooked in the grand scheme of things. Because of the large effect finances have on your business, it is of utmost importance that entrepreneurs have a good understanding of this aspect of conducting business. Whether getting a better grip on your finances in your personal life or professional life, gaining better comprehension of the keys to financial success can help significantly in your goals.

Listed below are some crucial financial tips every entrepreneur should follow.

Document Your Expenses

One of the first steps to becoming more financially stable is to keep track of where your money is being spent and how. When it comes to running your business, this should become an even larger priority since you’ll need to conduct financial reports and be set for tax season. While this documentation used to be done through rigorous filing systems and paper copies, there are various digital tools in existence today that make documenting your expenses far less time-consuming. Avoid frustration by utilizing software that simplifies this process. 

At the same time, try your best not to mix personal finances with your business finances. Keeping these accounts separate will save you precious time during tax season and eliminate additional headaches.

Build an Emergency Fund

An emergency fund is often a part of an individual’s personal finances. In entrepreneurship, however, it wouldn’t be a bad idea to incorporate an emergency fund into your business plan. Businesses are just as susceptible to financial emergencies as individuals are. In fact, there is an even bigger risk for entrepreneurs who rely on their income from their business. If their business faces unforeseen circumstances, the entrepreneur could suffer in more ways than one. Building an emergency fund for your company is crucial to preparing for unpredictable circumstances. Saving up to a year or more of emergency funds will provide you with the best possible financial cushion should you need to use it.

Partner With an Accountant

While understanding the financial aspect of running a business is an important part of entrepreneurship, there are also many advantages to partnering with an accountant. Particularly trained in this area, accountants can step in as excellent resources for your financial needs, especially if you find yourself struggling in this area. While an accountant is an investment of sorts, putting your money toward this endeavor will support your financial goals in the long run.

[ August 1, 2022 by Eric Liboiron 0 Comments ]

Financial Tips Every Entrepreneur Should Follow

Financial management is a crucial part of entrepreneurship that is sometimes overlooked in the grand scheme of things. Because of the large effect finances have on your business, it is of utmost importance that entrepreneurs have a good understanding of this aspect of conducting business.

Decentralized Finance
[ July 24, 2022 by Eric Liboiron 0 Comments ]

Decentralized Finance and Small

Decentralized finance, or DeFi, had a resurgence last summer and is still emerging as a tool for small businesses in developing markets, particularly for remittances and small loans. But what exactly is DeFi?

[ May 9, 2022 by Eric Liboiron 0 Comments ]

Decentralized Finance and Small Businesses

Decentralized finance, or DeFi, had a resurgence last summer and is still emerging as a tool for small businesses in developing markets, particularly for remittances and small loans. But what exactly is DeFi?

Decentralized Finance Defined

According to specialists, DeFi uses the blockchain to build applications, protocols, or tools that allow small businesses to conduct transactions in a way that reduces the need for other third parties to verify the deal. It is a resource that develops a peer-to-peer dynamic, where users interact and define parameters based on their needs. At the same time, the software serves as the middleman assuring the terms.

Who is Using DeFi?

Since its inception, DeFi-based forms of finance that do not rely on centralized intermediaries have been adopted by smaller businesses in developing markets whose needs are unmet by traditional banking systems. Today, founders are foundering because, instead of lending, banks are choosing to raise their cash reserves and purchase U.S. Treasuries in advance of the next market downturn. Unfortunately, many small business owners do not have that option as they battle inflation and employee turnover, so DeFi has become the following option to keep them open. 

Benefits of DeFi for Small Businesses

DeFi platforms provide an alternative system, not simply a plug-in to existing banks. Their decentralized nature means transaction onboarding and market-based risk assessments are much easier to scale across a business’ broader system because access to relevant information is not dependent on centralized processing or a prior relationship. Before DeFi, a company would have to complete anti-money laundering and “know your customer” checks for every source of capital and convince their counterparts to onboard to the same transaction banking programs. They also would not be able to present evidence of performance on their debt or payables outside of financial statements.

Risks of Decentralized Finance

While DeFi holds is promising for many small businesses, some risks need to be noted:

  1. DeFi is not regulated, so if your DeFi account gets hacked, the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission can’t help and provide recourse.
  2. DeFi accounts are not FDIC insured. If your funds get stolen, they cannot be recovered.
  3. DeFi smart contracts are software that can experience programming bugs or glitches which could lead to account hacking. 


It’s worth noting that traditional banking is susceptible to experiencing hacking and theft, and DeFi is similar in that aspect. Nevertheless, DeFi has the potential to keep small businesses up and running on their terms while banking continues its steady retreat from relevance on its terms.